
strawberry poptarts & gran marnier

Strange things happen when I drink Gran Marnier.

And sadly enough - this story is NOT the strangest.

Thursday, January 3rd, 2008.

I'm bored out of my head at home. Even though it was a short week. I decide I need to go down to the corner tap for a cocktail. For SOME ungodly reason, I've got a jones on for some gran marnier. eeeeesh. I should have known better.

I drive the mile or so to a local bar called "Richard's." I've driven past it hundreds of times, but never had the desire, or inclination to stop in. Tonight was the night.

I walk in, sit down, look at the bartender, and order my GM. He looks at me a little strange, walks to one end of the bar, grabs the bottle, dusts it off, and pours my snifter. Jokingly, I ask him if he's Richard. He says yes, and extends his hand. As we shake, he says, "Richard. Richard Fairbrass."

He looks oddly familiar.

"Appitizer?" He asks.
"What ya got?" I reply.
"Strawberry Poptarts."
"Heck yeah - they're the best."
"What the hell."

The aroma of toasted frosting wafted through the bar as I finished my first snifter. Lovely. Orange and strawberry. Together at last. Oraberry? Strawange? Whatever - it works.

It's about 11:30, and this other dude walks in. Richard shoots him a dirty look. I don't think the guy even saw it - he was too intent on getting to the jukebox. He throws his money in, and makes his selection. Through the empty bar, except for me, Richard, and the random (or so I thought) guy, the speakers start blasting "I'm too sexy."

With that, Richard jumps the bar, and completely bum rushes the random guy.

"F-You Fred. I'm tired of this crap. Why can't you just let the past go man? It's over. Handle it." screamed Richard.

"No Richie - YOU'RE the one that's 'over.' WISCONSIN?!?! Bartending? Are you serious?"

Then it clicks.
Holy crap.

The brothers from Right Said Fred are fighting in this bar.

I get up, and try to separate these two. Truthfully, for two dudes that I kinda remember as being pretty "in-shape," they fought like a couple of girls.

Long story short - I think Richard's is for sale, and I may be responsible for the return of an international supergroup.

You can thank me here.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad I finally know you well enough to know you are completely full of shit and have one of the BEST imaginations of anyone I've ever encountered. LOVED IT! stay away from the GM!

jason said...

I have NO IDEA what you mean! :P

Damama T said...

Ok - so you got me to go watch the video. I'd forgotten how mmmmm... well endowed those guys were! LOL!

Hope you had a great Christmas and New Year.

And I agree with Jacks - making NO GM your resolution for the year may not be a bad idea!!
