
Mitt or Mittout

OK - so I'm playing Sorry® with my son tonight.

Still irritated about McCain doing so well in Florida, I figured I should put on the GOP Debate, to see if I can actually bring myself to vote for Romney.

My son - who is 8 - looks at me and says, "Hey Dad - Who's that guy?"

I reply, "That's Mitt Romney."

He says, and I'm NOT making this up, "Wow. He's really handsome. Are you sure that's not Ken?"

"Ken? What do you mean?"

"You know, Ken. Barbie's boyfriend."

WOW. He's right. Totally.


Anonymous said...

ok. (laughing hysterically)
#1. I'm jealous that you have someone to play SORRY with. I so need to get me one of them Kid things. I am a board game junkie
#2. Omg. I will never look at him again and not think of KEN! LOL!