

Pack 246 from Hillside Elementary in Brookfield, WI.

Pack Yell to get into the mess hall on Saturday Night.

The boys were amazing. I have never been more proud. (haha.)


Home Sweet Home


I'm back....

Word, bitches...

Yeah - that's from Dan Lyons blog - the writer formerly known as fake steve jobs.

Chuck Storm is the MAN!!!

Nice work - ya doofus.


Steal Everything...

OK - so after the Kid Rock show last Thursday, I felt the need to go out and spend $10 on his new CD.

It's fantastic.

I WAS going to just download it - possibly illegally - but then I figured - WTF, it's only $10. (Plus - I saved a buck using a Best Buy coupon.)

Anyway - buy the CD. It's called "Rock N Roll Jesus"

Frozen Tundra?


Kid Rock at Club HOG 25

Friggin' awesome - lyrics DEFINITELY not for children.