
Greenfield Golf


Breast Cancer Ride

Charity ride today.


Crazy Mowhawk Guy

Too funny.


A job I wouldn't want

Yeah. No thanks.

Not sure why I feel this is blog-worthy, but what the hell...


Shutting down

Sitting at the fire, drinking Grey Goose, and laughing with the other

Phenomenal weekend.

Last Night Here

It's cold. Roasting marshmallows.

Closing Ceremonies

Big bonfire, and assorted other things. Now we have a fire at our
campsite, and smores, etc.

It's gonna get down to 48 tonight...

Friday the 13th

How scary is this???

You have got to be kidding me...


We just did this...

Kilt it ded.

5 arrows - and 4 of them hit the target.

Battery issues

So - no outlets on the woods. Gonna shut down for a bit.

Be back tonight.

Sent from Jason's iPhone

Batman... Kind of

Brown bat.



Primitive cooking is LAME

Soooo... This is super lame.

Done with this in 10 minutes.

Thank God.


Chicken nuggets - this ought to be good...

Jeffrey, Jared, and Alex.

4/5 in the center

Wow. The kid can shoot!

Rope Making

OK. The boy made a rope out of 3 strands of string.

Pretty cool.

J2 & AR

The kids are having fun.

Me, kinda... Haha.

Seriously though, its great to be out with the kids.

BIG fun!

Necessary Evil

No explanation necessary.

First project

Woodworking. Not extremely difficult.

I think all of our home depot trips made us experts. :)

Made it...

The rains came and went, but we made it. My tent isn't the most
waterproof tent in the world, but it was OK.

It's really pretty up here.


First night

First night of camping with the cub scouts.

Just started to rain. Waiting for the orientation meeting to start.


taken from the iphone discussion board

great letter I copied/pasted with the author's approval.
Dear Steve,

I was there on day 1 at the exact same store you were at. I saw you and you saw me, but I'm sure you don't remember who I am. After all, I'm just a little Apple customer. In fact, there are lots of little Apple customers and without us collectively, there wouldn't be an industry giant named Apple.

Your first line in your letter is laughable at best. "I have received hundreds of emails from iPhone customers who are upset about Apple dropping the price of iPhone by $200 two months after it went on sale." REALLY? Wow. First off, it was probably more like "thousands," not hundreds. And who would have thought that people would be upset after you rip them off of $200 dropping the price faster than Lance Armstrong descending the Alps?

Next you talk about the "Holiday season." IT IS SEPTEMBER!!!! Please spare us the excuse and just be honest with us.

Point #2 covers the technology road is bumpy. Give us a break. No kidding this is the case. However, why not give us a bunch of examples of large companies selling as many units of their product as the iPhone (with a similar price point) where they then decided to slash the price by 1/3 just a few months later.

For point 3: "we need to do a better job taking care of our early iPhone customers as we aggressively go after new ones with a lower price. Our early customers trusted us, and we must live up to that trust with our actions in moments like these."

OK... now I see, so the early customers that trusted you now only get shafted out of $100? Not only are you not giving cash refunds, but just store credits so people will buy more of your products. It is nice to know that the early loyal customers aren't as valued as the new customers that you are dropping the price for. People who camped out on day 1 get $100 store credit from Apple. People who are new customers get $200 cash credit. Way to "take care" of the early iPhone customers Steve! Thanks!

Finally, "We apologize for disappointing some of you, and we are doing our best to live up to your high expectations of Apple." You are? Then why not tell us if MMS is possible. Why have you kept us in the dark about ringtones until now? Etc, etc, etc?

Note to Steve: Try being honest with your customers. Try sharing upcoming news with us. Try to value your hard core customers who waited on day 1 more than the newbies who didn't put forth the effort for your product in the first two months. Stop making excuses and just own up and say "We could have done this better. We sincerely apologize. Here is a $150 store credit back on the iPhone and a 25% off coupon for a one time Apple store purchase within the next year. Thank you for supporting us because without our loyal customers, our company would not be successful."




my post to the apple forum

I just don't get it Apple. You used to be the good guys...

I'm not upset that you lowered the price on the iPhone.
I'm not upset that you're going in your own forums, and deleting people's posts.
I'm not upset my original 40gb iPod cost $499.00.
I'm not upset that you pushed back Leopard.
I'm not upset that 6 months after I bought it, my 17" MacBook Pro got cooler.
I'm not even upset that I can't replace the battery on my iPhone.

I'm upset that you're acting like Microsoft.

This isn't you.
This isn't helping to "restore a sense of childlike wonder" to people.
This isn't Thinking Different.

This is thinking like every other company out there.

You sold me a product - and I bought it. I don't regret it. I LOVE my iPhone. It has lived up to ALL of the hype - and then some. I show it off to family, friends - even total strangers... (They ask ME if they see me using it.)

I've bought your products since I've had a job. From the Macintosh IIsi, to the Newton MessagePad, to a Centris 650, to a Blue G3, to a MacMini, iPod, iPod Shuffle, AirPort, my 17" MacBook Pro (2.33), and finally my 8gb iPhone.

To be kicked in the nuts today - to the tune of depreciating almost THREE DOLLARS per day has soured me.

I called AT&T - via their 611 Customer Service number - they essentially told me I was out of luck. I adopted your product on iDay (A day that will live in infamy...) from my local AT&T Store. 50 days past their cutoff.

I expected that response from them. After all - their slogan isn't "Think Different," so why should they??

I called 1-800-MY-APPLE, and spoke to a tremendously nice woman. I empathized with her position today. I told her that I couldn't believe that Apple was doing this - as they never have.

She said that most of the calls she was receiving today were from people who had purchased the iPhone in the past 14 days. I find that hard to believe - but that's what she said.

She understood my frustration - but told me that there was nothing that she could do.

I wasn't about to, "Kill the messenger," so I thanked her for her time, and asked if she'd convey my disappointment to the "higher ups."

She said that she'd definitely talk to her supervisor, and tell him about mine, as well as the other calls she received today.

With that - I hung up.

Maybe this is one of those times where you're mad at someone, and you sit down and write a letter - getting everything out - and you instantly feel better - so you never send it....

Then again maybe not.

Shame on you Apple Inc.,

I think we just broke up.

iBetrayal or iScrewed

The beat goes on...

How iritating was it today from Steve Jobs' product announcement?!?!


That's 33% in a little over TWO MONTHS!!!

I expected maybe $75 or $100. But THIRTY THREE PER CENT?!?!?

There's NO bigger Apple Fanboy than me - for real.

But I feel like I got into bed with the devil, and he screwed me.

Anyone else?!?!

I doubt we can do anything about this - or if it even matters - but there HAS TO BE someone to organize this - and explain our displeasure to the powers in Cupertino.


I'm gonna make my first YouTube video tonight.

SHIT - I'm pissed!


headache killer

I have no idea why - but vitamin watertakes care of headaches for me.

it's a wonderful thing.